Recorded Performance
A collection of stories by Leon Ospald, read in a marathon reading. **To access all Recorded Performances please buy our MultiPass Ticket.**
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Recorded Performance
ENG: "Splitter" a collection of stories by Leon Ospald, read in a marathon reading.
Under the title „Splitter", 13 stories are collected that tell of the challenges of their protagonists to follow their desire for self-determination despite few resources.
Each story poses the question of participation and recognition anew.
DE: „Splitter“ ein Erzählband von Leon Ospald, gelesen in einer Marathon - Lesung.
Unter der Titel "Splitter" sind 13 Erzählungen versammelt, die von den Herausforderungen ihrer Protagonist*innen erzählen, trotz geringer Mittel dem Wunsch nach Selbstbestimmung zu folgen. Dabei stellt jede Geschichte die Frage nach Teilhabe und Anerkennung immer wieder aufs Neue.
Written and Performed by Leon Ospald
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5,00 €
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