Abstand Bitte Performance page
Welcome to the Abstand Bitte Performance page. Only with a ticket (and the secret password) do you have access to this page. This is the collection of the performances, the recorded work is accessible during and for two weeks after the festival, and the live performances are scheduled for their specific times as stated in the programme, and accessible with tickets. We recommend watching each performance with headphones and in full screen (quality HD) to fully experience the productions. We welcome email feedback on the work, and hope you thoroughly enjoy this body of work from the Abstand Bitte Series.
Live-Stream Scheduled for Friday with ticket.
Written and Performed by Niall Fallon and Thomas Mayer
A psychedelic form of neo-butoh, spontaneous music-video creation, and Saturday morning television.
Becoming Anima is a performance of experimental, conscious movement and stop-motion animation. Somewhere between a psychedelic form of neo-butoh, spontaneous music-video creation, and Saturday morning television. Time slows down and untold stories emerge from the bodies. Graceful to grotesque movements reveal moments of humility, vulnerability and joyful self-ridicule. We animate ourselves by performing improvised movement sequences in front of a screen at a very slow speed, supported by the input of live music, objects, multi-screen open-source software and spoken text.
Created and Performed by Niall Fallon
The Elephant’s Workshop installation presents a disjointed world of a piano tuner and his spectre through abstract storytelling. A series of brittle poetic images collide to allude to themes of transformation, trapping, and the lust for preservation.
Written and Performed by Clara Isenmann
ENG: In Schoßzirkus the circus director is bringing to live an entire circus underneath her skirt - the sensual poetic puppet performance is moving between childhood dreams and the power of a woman to create her own world.
DE: In Schoßzirkus erweckt die Direktorin einen ganzen Zirkus unter ihrem Rock zum Leben - die sinnlich poetische Puppen Performance bewegt sich zwischen kindlich naiven Träumen und der Kraft der Frau, ihre eigene Welt zu erschaffen (Clara Isenmann).
Created by Lars Preisser
Capturing the ever changing nature of the city in a series of short animations, I am presenting a number of situations from urban spaces in Berlin. Amongst these will be my former home where I grew up and had at some stage become a contemporary art gallery. There is going to be something about our project space and there will be a bit on big institutions like the Palace of the Republic which was demolished in order to rebuild the Berlin Palace which has been demolished beforehand in order to build the Palace of the Republic.
Written, performed and directed by Gabrielle Christen
A short poetic visual and sound invitation.
Written and Performed by Leon Ospald.
ENG: "Splitter" a collection of stories by Leon Ospald, read in a marathon reading.
Under the title „Splitter", 13 stories are collected that tell of the challenges of their protagonists to follow their desire for self-determination despite few resources. Each story poses the question of participation and recognition anew.
DE: „Splitter“ ein Erzählband von Leon Ospald, gelesen in einer Marathon - Lesung.
Unter der Titel "Splitter" sind 13 Erzählungen versammelt, die von den Herausforderungen ihrer Protagonist*innen erzählen, trotz geringer Mittel dem Wunsch nach Selbstbestimmung zu folgen. Dabei stellt jede Geschichte die Frage nach Teilhabe und Anerkennung immer wieder aufs Neue.
Written and Performed by Tom Mayer and Valentina Bordenave.
PLASH: The cumbersome side of a mesmerising transformation, something banal which becomes surprisingly important. It is the moment when a mystery is unveiled, as something familiar becomes strange and unpredictable. A sudden sense of eternity makes you feel powerful. It knows no rules or common places, is hungry for embrace, genuine protection, freedom and adventure. If you let it in, it will shake you up, it will alter you, and with a little practice you will learn to nurture it. Valentina and Tom immerse themselves in 20 unknown minutes. It is an instant composition duet where inspiration flows from dance to music to breath to sound to words.
PLASH: Die umständliche Seite einer verblüffenden Verwandlung, etwas Banales, das überraschend wichtig wird. Es ist der Moment, in dem ein Geheimnis entschleiert wird, denn etwas Vertrautes wird seltsam und unberechenbar. Ein plötzliches Gefühl von Ewigkeit lässt dich mächtig fühlen. Es kennt keine Regeln oder Plattheiten, ist hungrig nach Umarmung, nach wirklichem Schutz, nach Freiheit und Abenteuer. Wenn du es hereinlässt, wird es dich aufrütteln, es wird dich verändern, und mit ein wenig Übung kannst du lernen, es zu nähren. Valentina und Tom tauchen in 20 unbekannte Minuten ein. Es ist ein sofortiges Kompositionsduett, bei dem die Inspiration von Tanz zu Musik zu Atem zu Klang zu Worten fließt.
Written by Michelle Madsen and Niall Fallon
ENG: Orgy-O-Visual explores how we respond to auditory stimuli to create imagined erotica - this interactive audio experience broadcast is a playful and sensory exploration of what sounds do to our sensual bodies
DE: Orgy-O-Visual erforscht, wie wir auf auditive Reize reagieren, um imaginäre Erotik zu erschaffen - diese interaktive Audio-Erlebnis-Sendung ist eine spielerische und sinnliche Erkundung dessen, was Klänge mit unseren sinnlichen Körpern machen
A series of drawings by Guilia Palombino
Excerpts from an ongoing exploration by Michelle Madsen, Laura Stefanidis and Leigh Sayers.
A darkly comic, dreamlike fabrication about breaking patterns, layering original & archival film with movement, poetry, soft-sculpture & soundscape.
Written and Performed by Niall Fallon and Holly Eloise Foy Roberts
A short film exploring the way that we gaze.
Ein Kurzfilm, der die Art und Weise erforscht, wie wir starren.
Filmed by Angharad Matthews, written and narrated by Chris Durnall. Featuring Angharad Matthews. additional filming Julian Reich,sound recording Derec Jones